Prizes for Perfect Attendance?

Illustration by Tom Garret; Debate photos courtesy of families

Schools in Stark County, Ohio, recently held a contest for kids with perfect attendance. The prize? A chance to go bowling with Cleveland Browns football star Odell Beckham Jr. School attendance skyrocketed!

Many school officials say that prizes like this one encourage kids to go to class and keep them from falling behind. But others argue that students shouldn’t win things just for going to school. They point out that it’s unfair to kids who miss school for important reasons, such as illness.

Here’s what two of our readers think.

My school doesn’t give out prizes for perfect attendance, but I think it should. Rewards encourage students to go to school every day. When students are absent too much, they can fall behind. I’ve never had perfect attendance, but I admire kids who have. Schools should reward them for their motivation and hard work.

Ava Umbra, North Carolina

Kids don’t decide when they’re absent from school. Parents do. And usually it’s because we’re sick and don’t want to spread germs. Or we are hurt. Last year I fell and broke my collarbone. I was out of school for three days. Also, sometimes we miss school when our parents take us on a trip. They can’t always take off during holiday breaks.

Ryan Wallace, New York

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