1. What is the meaning of Jim Thorpe’s Native American name? Do you think the name matches the way Thorpe lived his life? Explain.
Sample response: Thorpe’s Native American name, Wa-Tho-Huk, means “bright path.” Thorpe created a bright path in life by achieving great things in sports.
RI.3.1 Text Evidence
2. What is the section “A Difficult Start” mainly about?
This section is about Thorpe’s childhood. It was difficult because he lost his brother, mother, and father. He also went to a school where he wasn’t allowed to honor his Native culture.
RI.3.2 Main Idea and Details
3. What did Thorpe’s grandson mean when he said “there was no stopping” Thorpe?
Thorpe’s grandson meant that no matter what challenges Thorpe experienced, he kept working hard and winning.
RI.3.4 Determine Meaning