Lesson Plan - Bye-Bye, Balloons

Learning Objective

Students will learn why some cities are banning balloons to protect the environment.

Content-Area Connections

Earth Science 

Standards Correlations

CCSS: RI.3.1, RI.3.2, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, RI.3.5, RI.3.8, RI.3.10

NCSS: People, Places, and Environments

TEKS: Science 3.7

Text Structure


1. Preparing to Read

Prereading Discussion
Before reading the article, ask students to raise their hands if they have ever let a balloon float away—either on purpose or by accident. Ask: What do you think happens to balloons that float away?

Preview Word to Know
Project the online vocabulary slideshow and introduce the Word to Know.

  • deflate

Set a Purpose for Reading
As students read, have them identify some of the problems balloons can cause for the environment.

2. Close-Reading Questions

1. What are some ways balloons can be bad for the environment?
Balloons can be bad for the environment because deflated balloons can end up on beaches or in the ocean, where birds, turtles, and other animals can mistake them for food and choke. Animals can also get tangled up in balloon strings.
(RI.3.3 Cause/Effect)

2. Based on the article, what is the meaning of the word banned? What clues in the article help you figure out this meaning?
Based on the article, you know that banned means illegal or not allowed. Clues in the article that help you figure out this meaning include the phrases “against the law” and “anyone who breaks the law.”
(RI.3.4 Vocabulary)

3. What do you think would be another good title for the article? Why?
Sample response: Another good title for this article might be “Laws Ban Balloons in Some Places” because it sums up the article’s main idea that some cities and states have passed laws against selling, using, or releasing balloons.
(RI.3.2 Main Idea and Key Details)

3. Skill Building

FEATURED SKILL: Explanatory Writing
Use the skill builder “Spread the Word!” to guide students in writing public service announcements encouraging   peers to use balloons responsibly. Have students use their work to create posters or short videos.
(W.3.2 Explanatory Writing)
