Lesson Plan - What's Up World? Iceland

Learning Objectives

Students will read about the unique characteristics and features of Iceland.

Text Structure


Content-Area Connections

Social Studies: Communities

Standards Correlations

CCSS: RI.3.1, RI.3.2, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, RI.3.5, RI.3.6, RI.3.7, RI.3.8, RI.3.10, L.3.4, SL.3.1

NCSS: People, Places, and Environments; Global Connections

1. Preparing to Read

Build Knowledge

If students have already read “A New Home!” and studied the article’s map, have them list some facts that they learned about Iceland. (Sample responses: Iceland is surrounded by bodies of water. It is located in the northern Atlantic Ocean, not far from the Arctic Ocean.) Explain that students will further explore Iceland.

Preview Words to Know

Project the online vocabulary slideshow and introduce the Words to Know.

  • phenomenon
  • equestrian

2. Close-Reading Questions

1. How does the amount of daylight in Iceland change between winter and summer? In winter, Iceland gets only about five hours of sunlight each day. In summer, the sun barely sets. On some summer days, it stays out all day. 


2. Based on the map caption on page 5, what are some geographic features of Iceland? The map caption explains that the country has mountains, glaciers, geysers, hot springs, volcanoes, and waterfalls. 


3. How do children in Iceland celebrate the First Day of Summer? On this special holiday, children in Iceland march in parades holding flags, play games, and exchange gifts. 


3. Skill Building

Featured Skill: Compare and Contrast

Use the Skill Builder “Comparing Communities: Iceland” to have students compare Iceland with their own community. Download the Skill Builder at scholastic.com/sn3. This activity is available as a PDF or as Google Slides. 

